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SA releases Energy & Mining strategy

The South Australian Government has released its ‘Building on our Strengths – South Australia’s Energy and Mining Strategy’ to outline the central role these sectors will play in delivering an early recovery from the economic downturn produced by COVID-19.

Minister for Energy and Mining Dan van Holst Pellekaan said the strategy is expected to deliver 25,000 – 30,000 additional jobs by 2030.

“This industry-guided strategy aligns with the ambitions of ‘Growth State – Our Plan for Prosperity’ to harness nine priority sectors to drive sustained economic growth,” Minister van Holst Pellekaan said.

“South Australia’s Energy and Mining Strategy underlines the strength and resilience of these sectors and highlights the major role they have in facilitating the state’s economic recovery.

“Some of the innovative programs launched in the past 12 months have been incorporated into the strategy and emerging strengths and opportunities identified for future government attention.

“Central to South Austarlia’s future in energy and mining will be an even stronger investment in our clean energy transition and more modern, lower impact development of our natural resources.

“Ensuring our natural resources are developed and managed responsibly is an important element in ensuring South Australia eventually emerges stronger from the COVID-19 pandemic and the global economic downturn it has triggered.

Minister for Trade and Investment Stephen Patterson said the Mining and Energy industry will play a critical role in growing the state’s economy.

“South Australia’s 300 mines and quarries produced more than $5 billion in mineral sales in 2019, and we’re a nation-leader in renewable energy – and our ambition is growing.

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